Key Points
There is an attribute called startAdornment in the InputProps, where we can add a component within the TextField. Meanwhile, we also need to customize the style within the TextField.
You can download the project from my Github . This project is the folder multi-input
function App () {
const [ values , setValues ] = useState ([]);
const [ value , setValue ] = useState ( "" );
console. log (values);
const handleEnter = ( e ) => {
if (e.key === "Enter" && value !== "" && ! values. includes (value)) {
setValues ([ ... values, value]);
setValue ( "" );
const handleValueChange = ( e ) => {
setValue (;
const handleValueDelete = ( item ) => {
setValues (values. filter (( v ) => v !== item));
return (
< div className = "flex justify-center mt-12" >
< div className = "w-72" >
< TextField
label = "Values"
size = "small"
onKeyUp = {handleEnter}
value = {value}
onChange = {handleValueChange}
InputProps = {{
// add component showing inputed values
values. length === 0 ? null : (
< div className = "flex pt-3 gap-x-2" >
{values. map (( v ) => {
return (
< Chip
key = {v}
label = {v}
variant = "outlined"
onDelete = {() => {
handleValueDelete (v);
</ div >
// customize the style within the TextField
values. length === 0
? {}
: {
display: "grid" ,
gridTemplateColumns: "1fr" ,
gridTemplateRows: "1fr 38px" ,
</ div >
</ div >