MySQL Installation with Brew


MySQL@9 doesn't support standard password. If we're going to use standard password we need to downgrade mysql from version 9 to version 8. For now, if we run brew install mysql, mysql@9 will be installed by default. If we need version 8, we need to indicate version explicitly by running brew install mysql@8.4

After I deleted MySQL@9 via command brew uninstall mysql, the system cannot't find mysql and we receive error message like mysql: command not found. In this case, we need to add the path of mysql to ~/.zprofile or ~/.bash_profile (depends on which kind of terminal you are using)

Check the installation path of mysql@8.4

brew --prefix mysql@8.4

The installation path on my laptop is /opt/homebrew/opt/mysql@8.4. Then add the path to ~/.zpprofile

export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/homebrew/opt/mysql@8.4/bin

Don't forget source ~/.zprofile

However, when I run brew services restart mysql@8.4, although the terminal told me that mysql was running successfully, in fact the mysql didn't run when i checked it using brew services list.

I fixed this issue by deleting /opt/homebrew/var/mysql

Then uninstall mysql@8.4 and install mysql@8.4

Summary of Brew Commands

brew install mysql@8.4
brew uninstall mysql@8.4
brew services start mysql@8.4
brew services restart mysql@8.4
brew list # list all software installbed by brew
brew services list # check all services is running under brew
brew --prefix mysql@8.4 # check installation path